American Sniper 2014

Immediately from this trailer it is very easy to recognise the genre, purely through the ambient sounds used without the use of accompanying images. The diegetic sound of the sniper being loaded by whom we assume the protagonist. This connotes violence and conflict and signifies that this is an action-thriller genre film. The use of ambient sound with the establishing shot highlights the intense atmosphere which draws more amplifies the tense mise-en-scene. Whom the audience at this point will believe to be the protagonist is Bradley Cooper, whom further hooks the audience as he is a well-known, accomplished and popular actor. It is confirmed that he is the protagonist when there are flashbacks shown of him, his wife and his daughter, almost a perfect life, which hints to the audience that what he's about to do could affect this picture perfect life he once had yet doesn't give too much away. The trailer for the majority of the time has a dull and bland colour palette which assists in establishing the genre. The colour scheme is slightly brighter and has more variants when the flashbacks are on screen. From the use of diegetic sounds a strong sense of realism is created. 

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1 comment:

  1. AMERICAN SNIPER: Your initial analysis comments thoughtfully on the use of sound to establish genre as well as the star power of Bradley Cooper to engage audiences. Look again at the trailer's flashbacks as the sniper's private life is depicted as more complicated than the 'picture perfect life' that you suggest here.
